Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Snack Thrown Down the winner is...

It was a great Super Bowl. The Who Dat Nation played their hearts out against the favored Colts. The underdogs seemed to have an advantage today.

Like the teams one the field, we have the final two competitors fighting it out in the Super Bowl Snack Throw Down. The heavily favored Kate from versus the underdog, Ray from

First the two dishes. Kate's recipe was the Fantasy Frito Candy. This recipe was simple and sweet. While we didn't use a crockpot to melt the chocolate chips (we used a double broiler, which is easier to clean then our crockpot), the recipe was quick and easy to make. While making this recipe, I could see how it can be easily adapted to your favorite cereal (i.e. rice cripspies) or ingredient (half butterscotch chips or peanut butter chips). Don't be afraid to try this recipe. If you can make rice crispy treats, you too can make these fantasy bars. It's also a great idea to make with your kids (but don't let them play with hot items, please). This quick and easy recipe is a good go to item when you need something to bring to a party and don't know what to bring. Sure to be a hit with the kids.

Second up is Ray's Two Bean Lettuce Raps. We gave Ray some props for offering a meat and non-meat option (always good to look out for those vegetarians in the crowd). We prepared all the ingredients, which was mainly opening cans and bags (too hard Ray, Matt has a bum wrist), and mixed them in a large bowl. Although we could have prepared the wraps without meat, Matt wouldn't have it. He's a meat guy if you didn't know.

With snacks in hand, we headed to the Vallaha lounge (a silly Vikings fan's house because he swore that the Vikings would be in the Super Bowl, we knew that he would be wrong - of course, but we let him have the party away).

With all the usual suspects of Struble Suds on a road trip up the street, we dug into the Fantasy Frito Candy and Two Bean Letttuce Wraps. The debate was torrid. Some people were stern, there should be no lettuce at a Super Bowl party - who needs any stupid fiber. Others said, candy, I don't want any candy, give me more meat.

The biggest group that was adament on a winner - kids. They only wanted Fantasy Frito Candy. Hands down a kid favorite.

In the end though, Two Bean Lettuce Wraps proved to be too much for the Fantasy Frito Candy with adults out voting the kids. The meat, cheese and crunch of the two bean lettuce wraps won over the crowd.

Like the underdog Saints, Ray pulled out a late victory. What can we say, it was a day for the underdogs.

Kate, your recipes throughout the competition were delicious. We thank you for your participation in the Super Bowl Snack Throw Down. It was a great season for everyone who participated. Who knows what next year will hold.